Coachella: Top Of the Pops (Day One)
Oh, hey guys. So I'm back from Coachella, and man am I tired! No, seriously, I am. Moreover, I didn't bring a digital camera, and neither did my friend, so this is going to be a completely non-visceral experience! ARE OYU READY FOR TEH EXCITEMENT!?!11
Just kidding, you guys. I'll use this guy's pictures from his cell phone for some sort of basic visual component, as well as stock publicity photos! Yeah, I know, how cool of me, but it's better than just text. I'm sure I'll be able to obtain better quality pictures of the performances later, and when I do so, I'll sneak them in. Anyway:
Day One
This year was hot - hotter than last year, but not as hot as my first year (2004). Before the heat was apparent, my friend and I arrived at the Salton Sea, our campground, at about 9:30 at night, where we futilely attempted to make a fire, set up a tent, and generally camp effectively. I also had a semi-argument with some drunk hipster dude in an adjacent campsite about whether or not Elliott Smith's fans thought his suicide was expected and/or appropriate. We then woke up, had a mediocre "Date Shake" from the Date Gardens down Highway 111 (one of the most generally unnecessary concotions ever conceived), arrived at the polo fields by 10:45, walked in like the semi-veterans we were, remarked at how the Sahara Tent looked really fucked up this year, etc., then went and saw the following:

Head Automatica
Just kidding, you guys. I'll use this guy's pictures from his cell phone for some sort of basic visual component, as well as stock publicity photos! Yeah, I know, how cool of me, but it's better than just text. I'm sure I'll be able to obtain better quality pictures of the performances later, and when I do so, I'll sneak them in. Anyway:
Day One
This year was hot - hotter than last year, but not as hot as my first year (2004). Before the heat was apparent, my friend and I arrived at the Salton Sea, our campground, at about 9:30 at night, where we futilely attempted to make a fire, set up a tent, and generally camp effectively. I also had a semi-argument with some drunk hipster dude in an adjacent campsite about whether or not Elliott Smith's fans thought his suicide was expected and/or appropriate. We then woke up, had a mediocre "Date Shake" from the Date Gardens down Highway 111 (one of the most generally unnecessary concotions ever conceived), arrived at the polo fields by 10:45, walked in like the semi-veterans we were, remarked at how the Sahara Tent looked really fucked up this year, etc., then went and saw the following:

Head Automatica